QuickOffice Mobile Office Suite iPhone App

The QuickOffice Mobile Office Suite app for the iPhone is an invaluable tool for anyone who needs to create, view, or edit Microsoft Word and Excel documents on the iPhone. The app is highly rated by independent third parties, such as iPhone Life Magazine, PC World, and The Wall Street Journal and is also highly rated by users in iTunes, with a rating of over 4 stars out of a potential 5 stars.
The app is a creation of a software development company by the same name, QuickOffice, who specialize in office software for mobile devices. QuickOffice is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, with offices in England, Canada, and Korea.

QuickOffice Mobile Office Suite has been available on the iPhone since April of 2009 and has been well received by many users. The reason is that while many features and apps on the iPhone are well designed and fun, very few are designed to help professionals increase their productivity while on the move. Because many professionals use Microsoft Word and Excel to do many of their daily tasks, having a way to view and edit these files is beneficial to increasing productivity.

A common refrain from users of the QuickOffice Mobile Office Suite is the reliability of the app. This is mainly because apps are so easy to create currently, that many apps available either do not perform as expected or are unstable and cause iPhones to crash. Based on user reviews, the functionality and reliability of the software is of the highest quality.

Another common refrain from users on the iTunes store is the quality of the software upgrades. The software is currently on version 1.4.2. With each upgrade, the software fixes the minor issues that have existed, such as some minor Wi-Fi syncing issues. In addition, the upgrades have added some beneficial functionality based on the iPhone OS upgrades. For example, when OS 3.0 was released, the app added the cut, copy, and paste funcitonality.

Users should be aware that the QuickOffice iPhone app is available on the iPod touch as well, provided the iPod touch is running OS 3.0. In addition to English, the app is available in Japanese.
Read the more in-depth review of QuickOffice Mobile Office Suite here. For more information on the best fee apps or to read more reviews of iPhone apps visit AppCraver today. AppCraver is dedicated to iPhone apps, news, reviews and interviews with iPhone application developers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neal_Adam_Hamou

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